International SIM cards and Iridium SBD Devices
International SIM cards and Iridium SBD Devices may be registered by subscribers for a 6-month period with multiple entries to Russia permitted within that time frame. For service requirements of longer than 6 months, a subscriber should change SIM cards and re-register with Iridium Russia or, Purchase service from an Iridium Russian Service Partner.
To register, please provide the information below on the registration page of this site.
For Individuals:
- Full name,
- Nationality,
- Iridium Device Model (9555, 9575 etc),
- IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity).
For Companies:
- Company name,
- contact number,
- Country of Registration,
- Iridium Device Model (9555, 9575 etc.),
- IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity).
Russia-based Subscribers
Russia-based subscribers will need to purchase Iridium airtime services from an authorized Russian Service Provider. Russian Service Partner SIMs will be permanently valid. (Russian Service Partner is defined as a Russian Corporation holding a valid Service Partner contract with Iridium Communications OOO). You will need to provide the information below on the registration page of this site.
For Individuals:
- Full name,
- Nationality,
- Full address,
- Passport information - number, date of issue, and authority of issue,
- Iridium Device Model (9555, 9575, etc.),
- IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity).
For Companies:
- Company name,
- contact number,
- Jurisdiction,
- Legal address,
- Tax code,
- Information about the persons who will use the mobile devices
(full name, job position, address, and passport information,MSISDN) - Iridium Device Model (9555, 9575, etc.)
- IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity).
Please provide the following details:
SIM Number (ICCID) – The Integrated Circuit Card Identification is the 19-digit number located on the SIM card inside your Iridium Device or found via the Menu on the Handset.
Iridium Phone Number (MSISDN) – Mobile System Integrated Services Digital Network is the Iridium telephone number associated with your Handset.
IMEI – International Mobile Equipment Identity is a 15-digit number which contains the Electronic Serial Number assigned to each Iridium Device. Iridium SBD devices do not have SIMs and instead will have an IMEI number that is located on the modem inside the Iridium Device. Note: If you do not know the IMEI, contact your Iridium Service Provider and do not open up the device.
Should you need any help locating these numbers please contact your Iridium Service Provider or Iridium Russia via the contact email located on this site.